Sunday, July 12, 2009

I slept late

Not due to work nor play. Not due to mamak sessions nor gaming sessions.
This time, it was a few hours of talking. To who else but my father.

I'm in my 4th year now. A year after this I'm officially out in the working world, the world that I've been simulating for the past.. Well, since my early teens if I've not mistaken.. I admit I've not seen a real ugly employer until now hence I'm still not too sure what's really out there. Lucky me.. Anyway, 4th year, a time for me to decide upon my career path.. I was told to have a maximum spend of 5 years before coming back to help out on the family business.. I've said too many times I do not want to get involved with the family business, many a times it ended with a laugh. Not this time. This time, it was a serious conversation. I've got my dreams, a dream that turned into a goal and now, will it end up biting the dust?

Being selfish and chase the dream, or to work hard and expend the existing business?

Bahh.. things to think..

PS: Horoscope-For some, its time to make a clean break from the past. Ay? Hmm..