Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I'm a non-believer but I do respect other people's religion.

So what's all this bit about Church burning over the word "Allah"?

Its word used by all Abrahamic faith. Which came from the same bloody place!
[If you its inappropriate using the word "bloody", I apologise but still I meant it literally]

Riots in streets, among people, even bringing it up to the high courts. Was it even necessary? Do we really don't have anything else to do now a days now that we're lucky not to be affected as much by the financial crisis due to lessons learnt from the 97 Asian Financial Crisis?

Had our high courts got bored by all the political issues and henceforth plunging into this religious word war? Its a word for god's sake. Yes, literally again.

Imagine arguing on the use of the word "soap".

Soap fanatic:
Don't you dare call that sea shell shaped thing soap. My soap at home is an oval bar! It does the same thing by getting grease off your hands, but don't you dare call it soap!

Don't feel too intelligent now do you? Damn fanatics.

PS: It goes both ways.


Eeleen Lee said...

"it goes both ways"

I sooo agree with you.

Also, "if other people start calling it soap than it will convert those who use shower gel to swtich to soap!"