Saturday, June 07, 2008


Nahhh.. Not induced by binge drinking.. Had been awhile..

But yeah, 1 day wasted.. Sitting around.. Lazing around.. Yeah.. 1 day. 24 hrs, wasted.

Lets hope I don't regret this..

But then again, I probably would.. *sigh*

By the way, those who don't know yet. WHICH I DOUBT.

Petrol is RM2.70 per liter now!
Yeah, just joining the crowd who screams about the 40% hike..

I pledge on my wallet, to drive slow when I'm back in Malaysia.
I pledge on my right foot, to be lighter on the pedal.
I pledge on my other desires, to reduce my petrol consumption.
I pledge on the gearbox, to not trash it as I used to.
I pledge on my steering rack, to stay within minimum motion at all times.
I pledge on my tires, to follow the lanes on the highway.
I pledge on myself, to be a better driver for my community and my country.

My feet will be in for an intensive diet..

How? Is this joining the crowd for once or what? HA!