Monday, September 10, 2007

The Invasion

I see there are changes made to the blog.. All girls are vain I tell you, they see things we don't notice.

Anyway! I myself enjoyed the entries made by my lady. =)

Back to it! I'm back! Langkawi is a heaven for drinkers, chocolate, and/or nature lovers. Am in for the first and the last, not so much for the second one.

TIP OFF: It is okay to bring excessive liquor or cigarettes IF you're traveling by ferry from Langkawi.
Not sure bout flights but they custom officers did not check our bags as we were running by for the ferry..
Our group have a tendency to run after transportations.. Train, Ferry, Bus. It's part of the fun. Practice running with weights before joining us on a trip. Lol. However, IF you plan to travel the way we do, get ready to be irritated. By the people that thinks they own the transportation and have no common sense to follow the seat numbers. Next trip to Langkawi, I'll plan ahead and fly.

Main Highlight of the trip: RM3 for a can of 500ml Heineken.

Yes, RM3. That's less than 50 pence a pint for you UK people.
GO CRAZY! Fill your blood with alcohol and make the mosquitoes hop instead of flying. Wash your leg, face, hand, hair, slipper with beer, water the plants, feed it to the crabs, add some rum and go nuts! Who needs water when you've got 3 ringgit Heineken? If only there were more people and a lil bit more time..

Bloody body itching like mad. Curse the sand flies/mosquitoes/whatever that causes the itch. Off to shower and back to the hermits. Ciao!