Saturday, December 27, 2008

Count down to Monday!

Yes, I'm back in homeland officially on Monday till I fly off again for my papers.. =(

Am in the land of fines at the moment.. Fine fine fine.. There must be at least one ticket every trip here.. Damn the who ever is behind the fine system.. Bloody hell..

Unite on Monday! Monday monday monday!

Muuahahahah.. Pardon the hype.. Just missing someone in a hotel in KL =P

Wednesday, December 24, 2008



HAHAHA. You know what i'm talking about ;)

Merry Christmas to all!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

What 320Nm can do.

Angry Chinese lady decides to take a drive in her Chevrolet Captiva after confronting the tow truck driver.. ON TOW.

Lesson of the day:
Vehicles must not be towed with the driving wheels on the ground. Not only it might damage the drive terrain, the tow truck might get towed instead!

Lesson No.2: Just don't mess with Chinese people. =P

Wednesday, December 10, 2008




That had got to go as one of the cheapest trick ever.. -__-

Source: Taken as a whole off a chain mail from one of my dear friends..

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Draft, not?

I'm home sick. Believe it or not. Be it even if I'm not far away from heading back.. Its always at the busiest of time when these thoughts comes lingering around in my mind..

One of the rarest pictures ever =/

Happens every time I'm away for a month or two.. Be it even after 2 years. Still the same..

I'm missing my grandma.. :S

To those who knows what's up, don't worry. I've accepted some facts. But sometimes you just can't help it, can you?

Something is amiss.. Maybe its just me..

-Set targets high but expectations low-