Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Lesson learnt

At an event of an accident. Addition(s) is often not the solution..

Lesson one:
When you're making an egg + prawn sandwich filling and used the hole without the sift instead for salt, best plan is to evacuate. Abandon mission. Quarantine that given sector. TAKE THE BLOODY SALTED SECTION OUT!

Instead, the smart guy added more materials (i.e. eggs, shrimps) into his bowl of hypertension causing sandwich fillings.. Now I've got a big bowl of crap to be finished for the next given week..
If it will be able to last that long that is..

Lesson two:
trying to make a meal alone after a damn long "nap" is just an awaiting disaster..

Think I'll add crabsticks tomorrow..

Friday, November 21, 2008

Winter's coming.. Update is here!

Wind's blowing.. lets see, about 16miles per hour? Shaking the windows, the wall creaks a little, an orchestra formed by the wind.. Accompanied by the miserable drizzle.. That would feel like pebbles on your face at that speed. Bold trees, cold nights.. What else describes British weather best?

Understanding a person, is it really enough or does it take more than understanding? Does second chances comes by when one screw it up badly once? Or twice? Probably more.. Something gotta change around here ain't it? Time to work on things, for the better! =)

Right. Enough sentiments.

Updates! Got a car last weekend and went about with the bunch of dudes. Driving brings back the Yuan Hao in the Yuan Hao. Needing to obey the law strictly is the anal bit in driving in the UK, but apart from that, traffic here has a nice smooth flow.. No ridiculus speed limits on the highway. Everyone does about the same speed and NO HIDDEN SPEED CAMERAS!

The AK 47+11 POV

Its a brand new car!

Liking my ride so far? I loved the ride! =D Having a car here makes things much easier. Places accessible.. When you feel like furbishing the place, just head down to Ikea in Leeds, chill with some mofo down there.. When you feel like checking out some place, Nottingham is just right down the island.. Hungry? Kebabs all around the lil town!

Nice ay? Sadly it aint my car =P rented it for 2 days to head down Leeds for some furnitures. Surprised that we got a brand new car that have yet to even complete the run-in period yet! Awesomeness. And yes, as you might had guessed, it was a manual.

Manual transimission = fuel economy + control x fun

Just in case anyone had yet to figure that out..

420km ( I thought we did more than that), about 45liters of petrol. (9.33km/liter for a car that was overloaded 90% of the time)

Approximately 100-115bhp.. Metal + jokers in the car.

Yeah. 15 Nov 2008 and 16 Nov 2008. That weekend was a blast!

In case anyone had been wondering where on earth yours faithul had been these days, life had just been filled with work Work WORK WORK!! Bloody university is just not letting anyone breathe at the moment. Assignments, due dates, the fear of yet touching any tutorials sends chills down my spine.. No wait, that's just the weather..

Just for the sake of it.. One of our random projects.. AND It failed!

Under this load!

Before and after..

Down with bloody cold, sore throat and the usuals.. Don't ask why. I don't know.. Oh, by the way, updates to those who had yet to know, MASSOC presidency is over! Yes... Less stressed me.. No I will probably not shout in your face telling you I'm tensed now. I hope. Else its just your luck.. Or I didn't like you in the first place. Sorry my friend.

Oh, by the way, I've not had that many indian dishes when I was in Malaysia EVER than I am having right now within the duration of like, a month and a half.. Courtesy to our indian counterparts here in Sheffield. Awesome man you guys! Cheers to that!

*stoned* Right.. Enough crap.. *dozing off..*

Night people.

-Signing off-

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

1 more day

One more day..

Had been 3 weeks already. Its only a matter of hours till everything's back to the way it had been. =)